Taking an Established Brand From Antiquated to Awesome

This well-established, and log-respected IT Company needed to update its brand, website, and sales materials with new colors, designs, and copy.

Gyver Technologies is a USA-based company specializing in keeping clients connected between buildings and locales securely via high-bandwidth cellular and other technologies. They have clients as disparate as Warner Music, iRobot, and Ivy League universities.

Despite their reputation as the expert’s experts in enterprise networks, they found themselves dragging around a dated logo, unappealing sales materials, and an ineffective website.

They got a fresh new look and feel that is friendly and modern using overlapping signal mapping color trappings and an active GT for an id. In addition, the copy was re-written and sales materials were produced for downloadables.

If your company is ready to add some hot newness to energize your sales, call me in, and let’s get started.